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We are happy to announce that Francisco Park Conservancy (FPC) has received tax-exempt status and is now officially exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Your tax deductible contributions can be made directly to Francisco Park Conservancy, PO Box 475035, San Francisco, CA 94147-5035, or online through SF Parks Alliance. Your support will help make this site into a stunning park and will allow you the unique privilege of helping to keep alive a piece of the dynamic history of San Francisco.

Francisco Reservoir was the first large reservoir built in San Francisco (1859) to help serve the exploding population who arrived by the hundreds of thousands following the gold rush and the subsequent discovery of the Virginia City silver lode. Water was flumed via a redwood sluice system from Lobos Creek in the Presidio, around the coastal bluffs, past today’s Crissy Field and the Marina Green, and past Black Point/Ft. Mason to the pumping station at the foot of Van Ness Avenue, and then pumped to the reservoir. We will be working with City staff along with an historic consultant to properly celebrate this long history of the former reservoir.

Progress is being made
While not readily apparent to passersby, progress is definitely being made. The City recently completed a detailed topographic survey of the site. The information from the survey will greatly inform the design of the future park and allow us to use its natural features to the best, most sustainable advantage. The Francisco Park Conservancy Board of Directors continues to work with SF Recreation & Park Department on an agreement authorizing the FPC to fund, design, construct, and maintain the park. The Recreation & Park Department recently submitted a Preliminary Project Assessment (PPA) application to the SF Planning Department for Francisco Park. We expect to receive comments back in 90-120 days and will then begin planning for a broad public outreach program to collect input for ideas about the park.

Pass it on
One of the ways the public can learn about future public meetings and information on the progress of Francisco Park is by signing up to receive this periodic Newsletter. You are encouraged to forward this Newsletter to friends by using the link at the bottom of this page and directing them to go to our website at, to sign up.
